Modgility Blog

13 Tips to Start Increasing Brand Awareness Today!

Written by Eliza Spain | Nov 3, 2022

Brand awareness represents how familiar your target audience is with your brand and how well they recognize it.

Brands with high brand awareness are generally referred to as ‘trending,’ ‘buzzworthy,’ or simply ‘popular.’

Establishing brand awareness is valuable when marketing and promoting your company and products, especially in the early stages of a business. Source

By creating brand awareness, you can cast a wide net across your audience of potential buyers.

Why should marketers be investing more time and money in brand awareness?

This is essential because it is how you can get your audience to feel comfortable purchasing with you; it keeps them coming back and helps bring in a larger audience.

Brand awareness allows your audience to understand you. If they are happy and comfortable, they are more likely to share this with their social network. 

89% of B2B marketers think brand awareness should be the most crucial goal, which means that how simply a customer recognizes your business’ name, service, or product is how brand awareness creates affinity.

You recognize brands in the store, at the gym, or on the bus—brands you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about. You head on over and choose the brand you want the most. 

Is it because of the quality, the labeling, and the product reviews? 

The labeling of certain brands often influences my choice. Occasionally, it's because someone in my social circle has had a good experience with a particular brand, which may lead me to check out their reviews; other times, I want to learn more. 

Either way, those products use brand awareness, which makes them who they are, to create success and attract an audience. 

How can you increase your customer base and sales if your target audience doesn't know or trust you?

This list will help you better understand how to increase your brand awareness today while allowing your business to grow and change continually. 

1. Define Your Brands Mission Statement

Presenting your brand's mission statement to new audiences can be a compelling elevator pitch for your brand.  You can also use it to determine whether upcoming projects align with your overall brand mission.

Your brand's mission should clearly state its objectives, purpose, and how it plans to serve its audience.

If you need inspiration (we all need a little or a lot at some point), look at what other companies in your industry have made their mission statements. 

Make a list of questions that your brand mission should answer. What are my brand's values? How is my brand different from competitors? Who is my customer? 

Essential tip: It won’t hurt getting everyone from your team in on this.  It will help strengthen the team, allowing everyone to feel valued when involved, which is key to making that great team. 

Why It Works 

A clearly defined mission statement will enable you to tie everything your brand does to that mission.

This will give the reader an idea of what your brand does and how it can make an impact.  If you have a clear mission for your brand, you can quickly identify your target audience. 

2. Know Your Audience (Ideal Customer Profile)

When you know your audience, you will find that the content you produce and the items you sell relate to them. 

This can boost conversations and improve customer relationships.

Take it upon yourself to find out what makes you stand out. What makes your brand different from those similar to you? Use this to draw people closer to you to stick with your brand. 

Why It Works 

Identifying your target audience will ensure that everything you do resonates with the people who matter most to your success—your leads and customers.

If you foster solid, long-term relationships with your business, your audience will become more loyal to your brand over time. 

Listen as Manage Inbound's CEO, Keith Gutierrez, shares his thoughts on creating awareness successfully. 

"How do we actually create awareness when nobody knows about you? I think that's kind of what we are getting at as well; the power of social.  The first thing you have to understand is who is your targeted audience."

-Keith Gutierrez

We find that this works because often, people do not want the same thing; they are looking for something or someone close to the brand they are currently loyal to but open for a change, looking to get out of the ‘norm. 

A brand that stands out to me is Target. It is fun and creative and keeps up to date with what is happening in their communities worldwide. Other examples of companies that have a high level of brand awareness: 

  • Nike
  • Google
  • Starbucks
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • Kleenex

See any that you recognize right away? Most of us can take a glimpse of these brands and quickly identify them.  You can develop the brand awareness you are looking for by using the right content, eye-catching images, and a distinct tone/voice in your content. 

Take a look at this Brand Assessment Tool to help get you started.

Need a little more guidance….According to HubSpot, here is a list of steps you can take to get to know your audience:

3. Consumer Surveys

A brand awareness consumer survey allows sales and marketing teams to better understand how consumers perceive their brand. They can then use this data to better target their audiences.

Like many surveys, structure your survey clearly to minimize any unnecessary confusion.

Although you want consumers to choose and identify your brand over another, it can be tacky to mark your brand as “superior” to another brand. Regarding what questions to ask, remember that creating good survey questions will give you helpful consumer insights.

But what makes a “good” survey question?

According to Pollfish, a “good” survey question is:

  1. One that achieves your survey and data goals.
  2. One that is clear and direct.
  3. One that carefully considers user experience.
  4. One that is free from bias.

A target audience survey is ideal for determining how effective marketing efforts have been for a brand.

The target audience can be broad or specific, depending on the brand's maturity and whether the survey is being conducted in a newly developed market or a product launch.

Essential tip: your questions and their order should remain neutral in tone and logical order.

Why It Works

Consumer surveys allow you to directly ask customers questions without using company metrics or any other type of qualitative data that may be programmed to answer the questions that matter most.

Today, you need to ask if you want to know how your consumers feel about a particular product or service. 

Many surveying technologies are available and becoming increasingly useful and convenient. Google Surveys, SurveyMonkey, Pollfish, and Audience are just a few.

Google Surveys makes it easy for marketers, entrepreneurs, and data scientists to run surveys, getting results within three days.  Using screening and targeting options, start with a non-targeted study and ask increasingly complex questions. 

4. Use Video

Today, video is everywhere. Video content is engaging and an excellent way to show off who you are and what your brand can offer your audience. 

You can choose the best method with various ways to share videos. 

With brand video content, you can tell your story and paint a picture of your brand, products, and company.

Telling your story is another excellent way to build and establish trust with your audience. 

Related: Why Companies Need an In-House Videographer

Why It Works

People love videos.

You know there have been times when you have been caught up watching endless videos on cats, athletes, cake decorators, etc. We have all been there.  

Video is a format that has been widely adopted and embraced because of its ability to engage users for long periods for various purposes.

With some of the most popular social platforms today, such as Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, and Facebook, video can help you share your brand and who you are in a way that text alone cannot do. 

Related: Mastering Social Media: Tips for Companies 

Do you have an opinion about something happening in your industry? Make a video about it! It can be fun! 

With resources like Wistia, you can find a place where you feel comfortable.  Do not forget social platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. 

5. Good Storytelling Connects People

Everyone loves a good story.

An honest way for you to connect with your audience.

Sharing a personal experience on how your brand became what it is today can help connect you to your ideal audience and is a great way to catch people's attention. 

What makes a good story?

You can break the term “storytelling” (+ "marketing" ) down: 

  • Story- Tell your story about important moments, aspirations, and events.  Build trust and become memorable.
  • Telling- Use your brand's distinct voice to communicate with the specific audience you're looking for. 
  • Marketing- Highlight the strengths of your business and what it can offer. 

We are telling stories every day, whether we recognize them or not.

Why not share these stories and turn them into an impactful way to connect with your audience?

For more on the power of storytelling and its essential elements, look at our blog, 19 Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2022.

Why It Works

Research has shown that people remember information that has been turned into a story “up to 22 times more than facts alone.” 

Building brand awareness through storytelling is an innovative and effective way to let your audience know who you are and remember you.

People often feel connected through shared experiences and stories.

Tell a story. Relate to your audience honestly and compassionately, and find ways to develop emotion. 

Check out this Ultimate Guide from Storysoft to learn more about writing a compelling story and selling your brand. 

6. Guest Appearances

Even though blogging for another website may seem backward, you can find great success here. With guest blogging, you can reach a new audience, build credibility for your brand, and increase your SEO.

This can include guest appearances on podcasts, live events, etc. Through guest blogging, you can reach readers through an established platform.

Using another person's blog to communicate with potential clients can increase your credibility and drive more traffic to the blog and your business. 

Take a few minutes and get inspired with one of Modgility's blogs, Blog Post Writing Secrets to Convert Leads Today, for more practical blog post writing tips.

If you haven't tried guest blogging yet, you should.  It is a win-win situation for everyone.

At Modgility, we practice what we preach: Listen as Modgility's Keith Gutierrez steps in as a guest and shares his insights on Demand Generation and a Buyer-Centric Approach with Lucas Haensch from Pathmonk. 

Why It Works

This can work because you are making yourself and your brand visible to an audience who may never have seen it before.

Usually, you will guest post on a site you can relate to. This will attract the attention of people who are listening to navigate your website and become new customers. 

Connect. Reach out to your audience. 

Find out where consumers like you hang out and find them on those platforms. Research different blogs and publications in your community and industry. You can even try out platforms such as MyBlogGuest or this collection of 500+ sites from BuzzBlogger for some inspiration.

7. The Power of Social Channels

The more we share on social media, the more we show who our brand is, creating that brand awareness we need. 

Many successful brands are discussed on social platforms, and these conversations become crucial to brand awareness and sales.

Social content on social networks is built for native consumption. This type of content engages audiences active on a platform, allowing for social peer-to-peer opportunities.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, social marketers’ top priority is to increase brand awareness.

Which of the following is currently the top goal of your company?

Image Source 

There is also a way for consumers to privately navigate through social channels and platforms without being tracked and turned into a metric.

Many of you think social media is ideal because it allows you to track everything, thus measuring the results quickly; sorry to tell you, this is not always true. 

Why It Works

One of the most significant marketing powers is social sharing; you reach your target audience and their network.

Social sharing, whether from a friend, colleague, or family member, is a great way to convince potential customers to become customers. Choosing the right platforms(s) for your audience is critical.

Social media marketing is about finding your customers and potential customers; focusing on where they spend the most time will be beneficial.

Find your favorite social channel, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc., scroll through, like a comment here or there, and even post a video or content yourself. This is a great way to open up to and expand your network.

8. Create and Give Free Content

We all like the word free. When it comes to content, free is key.

People do not want to have to pay to hear what you have to say. They want to be able to consume your content when and where it is convenient for them.

Creating content available anytime is a great way to increase brand awareness. This allows your readers/listeners to hear about you on their time, when it’s convenient for them, thus making them happy consumers.  

Related: How Companies Can Tie Content to Revenue Growth

That case study you have been working on and finally finished—turn it into a LinkedIn post to view the PDF with no form required.

Have an E-book or white paper you want to share but might not be sure how to get started?

Share what you have worked on socially with a free digital download.

There are many ways to take and promote content. It is essential to remember to embrace all forms of content to help your brand stand out. 

Why It Works

Having free and available content is a huge plus. Share what you know. People will want to continue to listen.

Simply un-gating content alone will not generate demand, traffic, or opportunities. Ensure you know where they consume their information; put it there if it's not on your website.

Free content does not have to be in written form, either. You can also share your content across all visual platforms, including podcasts, videos, infographics, and social media.

If you are in an industry that offers a product, consider giving away free samples to introduce yourself to potential customers and introduce your offerings.   

Visme is a great way of explaining how they use infographics to help you present information in an attractive visual way. You can easily use their template to help create the infographic specific to your needs. 

Image Source

For example, this template can add dates and events to a timeline. You can easily change the colors, icons, and text. This is a great way to showcase events within your company as a whole story or a new product's production story. 

9. Sponsor Events

Sponsoring an event will allow you to showcase your brand, share what you stand for, and gain a new audience. Finding the time to be a consistent sponsor can lead to growth and provide a great learning experience.

You would surely have seen a brand's name, whether at a sporting event, a concert, or a weekend outing at a farmers market. It could have been a foam hand that was handed out, a new T-shirt, or even stickers and pens (my kids love this one). 

Think of ways to contribute to your community while letting your community know about your brand.

Why It Works

Sponsoring an event can open ample opportunities for brand exposure. You can try this in various ways: local sponsorships, sponsorships that set you apart from your competitors, or sponsorships that enhance relationships.

The one that works for you is unique to every business. 

10. Produce a Podcast

We all have probably listened to a Podcast at some point in our lives.

Regardless of what it was, podcasts are used daily for various reasons. A podcast is a personal way to interact and connect with your audience by building the brand awareness you need and want.

People listen, connect, and recognize your brand and will keep returning for more. 

When starting a podcast, there are a few things you will need to do to get started. 

What will your topics be?

Do you plan on having a co-host or guests?

What kind of microphone do you need? What kind of lighting? Should you include music (and what type, classical or rock) in the intro or at the end?

Podcast Insights does a great way of breaking this down with a step-by-step tutorial on how to start a podcast.

Why It Works  

If you're new to the Podcast world, we can help. To stand out from the thousands of other podcasts, look at what you can share that others haven’t and start there.

Make it fun! Think of what you and your team are experts in and create content.

"You just need one person to listen, get your message, and pass it on to someone else. And you have doubled your audience."

Robert Gerrish | co-authored the business bestseller Flying Solo: How to go it alone in business- host of the Flying Solo Podcast. 

Image Source

11. Brand Everything

Who doesn’t love a good label or packaging design?

Branded packaging can offer an additional touchpoint to the value you give to your customer's experience each day while allowing your brand to stand out from its competitors.

Simply overlooking your brand's packaging is a missed opportunity in today's market.

Using creativity, from a custom bag to unique company colors, can help you accomplish your brand awareness goals.

Take a look at The Care Crate Co., a company located in Cleveland, Ohio, and how it has shown great success with creative, branded gift boxes for any occasion while giving back to its community in various ways.  


Why It Works

Creating custom ideas and packaging for your company and products can help give your customers a sense of your brand.

This will ultimately increase customer interest and brand loyalty.

The more you make your brand recognizable, the greater your chances are that first-time customers will remember you and return to purchase from you in the future.

You can promote your business and products by incorporating custom packaging into your branding and marketing campaigns. 

12. Identify What Makes You Stand Out

Brand awareness can help brands differentiate themselves from the competition if done correctly.

Take it upon yourself to find out what makes you stand out. What makes your brand different from those similar to you? Use this to draw people closer to you to stick with your brand. 

Look at this Brand Assessment Tool to help get you started. 

Why It Works

We find that this works because often, people do not want the same thing; they are looking for something or someone close to the brand they are currently loyal to but open for a change, looking to get out of the ‘norm.

I love a good pair of shoes (preferably one that can be worn with or without socks).

And why not choose a pair that helps give back to others?

A brand that stands out to me is TOMS. I have been wearing these for years. They are a great, comfortable, versatile shoe that makes a difference by giving a pair of shoes for every pair bought to someone in need. Now, try to tell me this doesn't make TOMS stand out.

13. Heighten Growth by Reusing Your Best Social Content

Set aside time to look at your social media content. Where you see the most likes, shares, favorites, etc., is what you want to grab and turn into more.  Repurposing content has many benefits.

A high-quality piece of content will only lead to more traffic to your website.

Unsure of which content is best to reuse? You are not alone. Repurposing content should be done well; you might consider turning this into a part of your marketing strategy.

A few things to consider:

    • Start with successful content. Review it to see if it is still relevant. If the answer is ‘yes,’ polish it up and share it with your audience again. Chances are, this will still be a success.
    • Consider which platform you are using and think about that audience. For example, A post on LinkedIn might be too long for Twitter. Videos that are the correct length for YouTube might not be the same for Instagram. Think about the audiences on each platform and deliver what they want where they want it.
    • Don't just copy and pasteIf you have an old post that you would like to update, by all means, update it as much as you can. Giving an old post a new title and calling it a day is not the route you want to take. 
    • Add and build as you repurpose. Take the time to add to your existing content wherever possible. You want to try and reach your reader's attention, new or not. Think of the ways you can grab their attention and run with it. 
    • Finding yourself a bit hesitant about the idea of repurposing? You are probably looking at it the wrong way. This is content that you are proud of. The content you would like to reshare to your audience no matter where they may find it. Take that great content and re-share; you won't be disappointed. 

Why It Works

Promoting your content can increase your chances of being heard.

Besides increasing your brand awareness, your target audience can get to know you better.

Try doing this daily and creating a monthly schedule; it will save you time and show you the growth your company sees more frequently.

Using a spreadsheet to keep and share with your team might even be a good idea. You will then want to use this social media content and spread it out in your schedule for different dates in the future.

Check out social content tools. One we like to use is Edgar, the unique social media tool that does the scheduling for you.

Here, you will see tips on social media scheduling:


Final Thoughts 

Increasing brand awareness doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Make it enjoyable. 

Explore the different ways you can do this. Be yourself, be honest, and see how you can turn potential customers into customers.

Remember that it will take time-keep testing out new strategies that interest you and your company to see what works best and is creating the most significant impact.

Use this list (or some of this list) I have created to help guide you through this journey. I hope it was helpful.

Brand awareness is essential to your marketing and will keep your audience remembering and coming back to you when they need you most.

Did I forget anything?

Which tips might you try first?

Would you like me to elaborate on these tips a little more?

I would love to hear from you! Drop me a comment below.