Blog Post Writing Secrets to Convert Leads Today

18 min read
Jun 17, 2024

by Ginny Dwyer on Jun 26, 2018

Publishing valuable, educational content is one key to converting leads online. Web users search because they're looking for answers or information.

But while the need for information may get visitors to your page, what will make them stay? return? convert? What's the trick to writing blog posts that your audience genuinely wants to read?

It takes more than facts and figures to gain a reader and, ultimately, a customer. Studies show that 38% of those who land on a web page will instantly bounce from the page - they don’t interact with your page at all. 

Only half of those left will read several hundred words into the story.

How do you get visitors to read and engage with your content? Remember, you're in the process of attracting and converting prospects, so make your content remarkable.

Make Content More Appealing to Your Readers With These Blog Post Writing Tips

The infographic has 21 actionable tips to make educational content more attractive, shareable, and ‘clickable.’ It will also give the most stubborn prospects a kick to take action.

Don’t let your high-quality content go unnoticed. (That's a tip in itself). Write high-quality blog posts. Get out of the mentality you have to publish every day. And write long-form quality content.

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1. If You Want the Sale - Keep it Simple

The best teachers explain complicated subjects in very simple terms. This doesn't remove complexity but makes content easier to understand and digest — one concept at a time. As Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” 

No one wants to waste valuable time sifting through poorly communicated concepts in such a fast-paced world. Don't consider it an elaborate essay- cut to the chase.

Content marketing should be to the point. Simplicity is key.

Brands that make it easy for consumers to gather and understand information are 86% more likely to get a sale, 9% more likely to be repurchased, and 115% more likely to be recommended to others (Source: Harvard Business Review). 

How to Explain Something Simply: 

  • Step 1: Review concepts using ideas and associations the audience already understands. Use familiar words. Customers who relate to your content are more likely to engage with it. 
  • Step 2: Break your topic down into steps and lists. This way, you can lay out important information in a clear format for viewers to quickly read.
  • Step 3: Keep it general and know which details to leave out. Make it easy to scan over. Details are great, but too much of them can drive customers away.
  • Step 4: Encourage questions for more in-depth learning and deeper thinking. This way, readers can digest the material and reflect on the information they just received.

Related: Why You Need Content Marketing For Your Business

2. Add Humor - Bond With Your Readers 

Why do marketers make such good wide receivers?

Because they always stay inbounds.

Hopefully, I got one person at least to crack a smile!

Nothing breaks up a presentation or a blog post like some relevant humor. It might seem complicated, but adding humor doesn't always mean memorizing jokes or being impersonal.

When it comes to inserting humor into your content, make it natural. This takes practice but can be learned, even if you’re not naturally “funny.” When used correctly, humor can be a powerful tool in content writing. 

Remember, there is a difference between comedy and humor. Comedy is written solely to produce laughs, while humor is used to deliver a message through lighthearted content.

If you can balance professional business content with humorous, entertaining materials, you can reach and appeal to wider audiences successfully. 

Tips to Add Humor:

  • Tip 1: Make humorous observations in real-time
  • Tip 2: Make it natural
  • Tip 3: Point out irony
  • Tip 4: Make a funny, relevant reference to a current event.

It's time to give your content some personality! 

3. Make Content Interactive and Fun

Digital marketing is inherently interactive — a prospect clicks fills out a form, reads, replies, and asks.

All these actions are carried out through your inbound marketing strategy. But now that digital marketing is becoming the norm, most online searchers expect these actions. 

How do you create interactive experiences outside of the expected?

  • Step 1: Use graphics, animation, video, other visual content
  • Step 2: Think quizzes, polls, comments, and rewards
  • Step 3: Offer plenty of follow-up material

Why should I use interactive content marketing?

Research from a June 2024 blog post published by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) by Ann Gynn shows that buyers, on average, spent 53% more time on interactive content (13 minutes) than static content (8.5 minutes).

Robert Rose, the author of The Symphony of Connected Interactive Content Marketing, stated, "If you’re a small business, know that you can compete with some of your larger competitors.

However, you will only succeed by creating an exciting experience that could only come from you – not copying someone else.” 

The ultimate goal of content marketing is to increase consumer engagement and enhance their experience. By incorporating tools such as entertaining videos or quizzes, you invite your consumers to take an active interest in your company.

You will receive feedback from your customers' responses and generate new leads.

4. Be Unpredictable - The Surprise Element Works Wonders

Remove the routine every once in a while. For example, if you’re known for a certain content or communication style, weave in something different occasionally.

In an article published in Harvard Business Review, Scott Redick comments that "the element of surprise is the most powerful marketing tool of all."

It's okay to switch things up every once in a while. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new for a change. If your business lacks an element of creativity, customers will lose interest. Below are a few pointers on how to shake things up. 

Tips to be Unpredictable:

  • Tip 1: Add emotion. If you're bored reading your own material, customers are, too. Make it your goal to evoke an emotional response from your readers to motivate them to take action.
  • Tip 2: Add a branded video or an infographic for more visual engagement. 
  • Tip 3: Introduce a new color scheme or design to attract attention and new viewers. Of course, brand cohesion is important, but it wouldn't hurt to switch up your color palette every now and then. 

5. Give Them Facts to Help Convert

In the end, your prospect wants and needs your information. Remember, someone searches online to learn something new, so keeping content educational is necessary. 

For B2B decision-makers, the task is still to find the best solution to improve some aspect of their business. Entertaining content is great, but solution-based content leads to conversions.

Think about how your industry can educate viewers on a certain topic. Maybe confront certain misconceptions about elements in your business to establish credibility and why your company is unique. 

If you have a lot of information and learning points, break it up.

Customers need to be in the right mind to comprehend many facts thrown at them, so remember not to overwhelm them with too much. It was proven that up to 50% of potential sales are lost due to inadequate information. (Source: IDC)

Presenting facts to indifferent customers might inspire curiosity, hook them in,  and provoke them to read further. 

Appealing content educates and attracts! This is an effective content-writing tip!

6. Become Better Storytellers

Although remembering exact facts and figures is important, the information doesn't always stick with readers.

So what does?

If you are trying to convert leads into buying customers, you need to build your relationships and nurture your audience. You need to ignite a feeling and emotion in your readers.

Give your content a purpose.  Create a story that will bring value and resonate with your targeted customers.

Telling stories will engage your readers and make your content much more relatable. A top professional blogger will master the art of storytelling. 

Tips to Become Better Storytellers:

book in hand - empathy

Photo by David Kennedy on Unsplash

  • Tip 1: Know your audience—research to prepare the tools you'll need to reach them properly.
  • Tip 2:  You need a hero (hint: your customer should be the hero). Once you show a resolution to their main conflict, they'll become more interested in your products and services.
  • Tip 3:  You need a goal and a conflict that goes with the goal. Like a normal story, your content should have rising action, a climax/conflict, and a resolution to your company.
  • Tip 4:  You need a moral (how your hero conquers conflict). Give it a grand finale.

7. Entice Your Visitors With Compelling Introductions

Leave a good first impression.

This is your first and only chance to grab your users' attention. You want them to nod in agreement and know exactly what content is before them.

Your goal for the intro is to hook the readers in and convince them that they need to keep reading. Transition your readers into the content you are about to share with them. 

Tips to the World's Greatest Intros:

  • Tip 1: use the APP formula makes users (and Google) love your content
  • Tip 2: use the APP formula makes users (and Google) love your content
  • Tip 3: use the APP formula makes users (and Google) love your content 

Get the point...

Here's the APP formula:

  • Agree -  start with something your readers will agree with. Shows you care and understand their problem.
  • Promise - give your reader a peek into a better world. There is an easier way for them.
  • Preview - Tell your readers what you have in store for them.

Captivate your audience and leave them wanting more. Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone and surprise your audience with a memorable opening statement.


8. Create Crazy-Effective Calls to Action

A CTA is arguably one of the most important parts of a website. It is where you can measure your success and conversion rates.

Kick off your conversion process with an attention-grabbing CTA. Make it action-oriented with keywords consistent with your article, offer, and landing page. Keep it straightforward, clear, and visible.

You want your CTA to be just as effective as your content. 

Tips to Strong Calls to Action:

  • Tip 1: Influence your users to do something. Take that next step. "Learn more," "Try Our Free Trial," etc. Remove the word "Submit" from your vocabulary.
  • Tip 2:  Use detailed and branded images. You can gain 94% more views than content without. 
  • Tip 3:  Make it STAND out so your visitors see and click it. The goal is to place your CTA where the user will "look" next—a natural progression.
  • Tip 4:  Use compelling copy.

CTAs can add the finishing touch to your blog. If you get your Call to Action right, your conversions will naturally increase. 

9. Stimulate Your Readers - Ask a Thought-Provoking Question

question mark

Photo by Emily Morter on

One of the most powerful assets on your keyboard is the question mark. Effective questioning can enhance your readers' ability to connect with your writing.

Using questions to engage your audience will make them feel like they're in a real-life conversation rather than being "talked" to.  

Tips to Asking Your Questions:

  • Tip 1:  Give your readers the chance to have their own input.
  • Tip 2:  Ask a question at the beginning to get them fired up and ready to engage in your article.
  • Tip 3:  Ask a question at the end of the post to entice them to leave a comment or ask another question.

Questions are important because they stimulate discussion and critical thinking.

They can also be helpful when reinforcing a specific idea or concept. Questions emphasize what is important, keep your readers on track, and promote a deeper understanding of the material being discussed.

This will make your content more appealing because you include the reader. ProBlogger reviews the top 7 questions you can ask for more reader engagement.

They are:

  • What Do You Think?
  • How Do You Feel?
  • What Will You Do?
  • What is Your Opinion?
  • What is Your Story?
  • What is Your Experience or Example?
  • What Have You Been Working On?

Try it out. Ask questions and connect with your future prospects in a more meaningful way.

10. Add Images to Boost Your Content Performance

Draw in your audience with a captivating image.

According to a study conducted by Skyword, embedding relevant images in content attracts attention and meaningfully improves content performance. Including images will help engage your audience by adding a visual element to your work. 

On average, total views increased by 94 percent if a published article contained a relevant photograph or infographic compared to articles without an image in the same category. 

Tips to Using Images on Your Site:

  • Tip 1: Always use an image to break up the text in your content.
  • Tip 2:  Use images to make your content more appealing, relatable, and relevant for your user.
  • Tip 3: Inserting the right image at the right place will enhance the value of your content.

Images are a very helpful tool that strategic blog writers should incorporate in their content writing. Paired with strong text can lead to a very informative and successful end product. 

Bonus: Are you creating shareable images on your major blog posts?

Want to use easy Infographic Template Tools to create stunning infographics… but don’t know where to start?

Below are 4 Infographic Template Tools for creating infographics easily and quickly, shared by Donna Moritz at Socially Sorted...even if you are not a designer.

  • Canva: Templates are shorter, attracting people and making sharing easier.
  • Easil: Infographics are used on Pinterest with unique graphics.
  • Piktochart: Offers a wide range of templates from which to choose. 
  • Easel.Ly: Allows you to reuse other templates or build your infographic. 

11. Establish a Tone for Your Blog To Keep it Real

It's not what you say; it's how you say it.

Why is tone of voice important? 

"It's an expression of the people behind the brand." This means the tone of voice you choose for your blog post writing should represent and embody your company's goals. It can be vital to persuading customers to read more and follow through with your presentation. 

The quote by Philip Kotler, Professor at the Kellogg School of Management, sums it up...

"The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand, you are a commodity. Then the price is everything, and the low-cost producer is the only winner.”  

The quote points out that it’s not just what a company does but who it is that makes it a brand. It's about presenting a product or service that will improve their quality of life in a sympathetic way to show you genuinely care about meeting their needs.

"A tone of voice embodies and expresses the brand’s personality and values. It’s about the people that make up the brand – the things that drive them, their loves and hates, and what they want to share with the world."

Tips for Creating Your Tone:

  • Tip 1: Be unique and be you. The tone should come naturally.
  • Tip 2: "People don’t always remember what you say or even what you do, but they always remember how you made them feel.”  - Maya Angelou
  • Tip 3: Make it memorable.

"Through tone, you will turn a faceless company into a group of people with their special way of working or, in other words, a brand."

If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty of language and find your brand's voice, Hariett Cummings writes an amazing article on Brainlabs doing just that. 

12. Stick to a Modern Website Design

They say you should never judge a book by its cover, but if it looks outdated, messy, and tarnished, you might be inclined to find an updated book. 

First impressions are important.

It is crucial to have a professional-looking website that is both modern and visually appealing to keep your readers engaged. 

What Makes a Good Website Visually Appealing?

At the most basic level, in terms of design and theory, six elements must be considered when designing a visually appealing website.

Tips for Designing Your Visually Appealing Website:

  • Tip 1: Color - The site’s color should match your brand and present consistency throughout the site. Ensure you have a good balance because too much color can be distracting, and not enough color can make your brand look lifeless and dull.
  • Tip 2: Font- The site’s font doesn’t necessarily have to match the brand or logo. The most important goal is to ensure that the font is legible. Remember to consider whether your website is formal or informal and how it will pair with the color scheme. 
  • Tip 3: Imagery - Pictures will give your website the look and feel that will set your website apart from competitors. Use images that will link the ideas being communicated in your content.
  • Tip 4: Simplicity -  The simpler the better. Keeping design simple allows for the “clean” look that people are looking for. You don't want your customers leaving your page because they feel overwhelmed.

13. Be the First to Write on the Latest Industry News

Nowadays, everyone wants to be in the know.

With media at our fingertips, staying updated on breaking corporate news is accessible. Writing about the latest industry news will help your company build credibility and trust with clients, spread brand awareness, boost traffic to your website, and increase conversion rates. 

Images and news pack a powerful punch.

To position yourself as a thought leader and report the latest industry news before any of your competitors, SEO expert Steven MacDonald  recommends marketers subscribe to the following resources:

Tips to Reporting on Breaking News:

  • Tip 1: A great way to find current news is to use databases like Google to stay updated on the top trending searches. By checking the search engines, you will gain insight into your audience's needs information. 
  •  Tip 2: Check your social media feeds to see what is trending in your industry. Connect with other professionals in your field to share ideas and hear their strategies for publishing breaking news. 
  • Tip 3: Be a good listener. Respond to what your audience wants to increase satisfaction and their likelihood of relying on your company for information. 

Producing content like this will keep you ahead of the game and put you in a position to see significant audience growth. 

14. Mix Up Your Content Formats 

"Variety is the spice of life".

 Getting your audience to read, consume, and engage in your content is no easy task day after day. Don't be predictable. Try something new and creative with your content. 

Create or repurpose your existing content with a new look with some of the "content frameworks." By changing your content formats, you will attract diverse customers.

 Tips to New Content "Frameworks":

  • Tip 1: Infographics—Turn your boring data-driven content into a visually appealing infographic. Infographics are useful because they attract attention, have viral potential, are great for social media sites, and attract SEO linkbacks. Check out these visual content marketing statistics for 2024
  • Tip 2: Try an Expanded List Post with detailed "How To" sections that fascinate your reader. Give them a step-by-step plan. Consumers will thank you for providing all the details.
  • Tip 3: Create a "Best of List." Consumers are more likely to click on an article with "Top 21" in the title because they are looking for straightforward, easy-to-follow information. 

By relying on only one specific type of content format, you will limit yourself to one type of audience. If you want to expand the traffic flow that your company sees and increase conversion rates, then mix it up. 

15. Make Your Content Skimmable 

Did you know that most consumers only spend about 15 seconds on a page? 

No one wants to sit down and read an article word for word anymore. Most readers glance over about half of your information. It's all about retaining material as fast as possible.

If you want to impress your audience, making your content skimmable and concise is important. 

Tips that Show You Exactly How to Focus Your Content to “Reflect the Reading or Skimming Habits of Your Audience”:

  • Tip 1: Use easy, digestible bullet points to make your content stand out. This way, consumers can see the main idea and weed through unnecessary information. 
  • Tip 2: Use whitespace to focus your visitors on your content, not clutter. Think of it as "breathing room" between paragraphs. This will make your content seem condensed and cleaner.
  • Tip 3: Use Bold and Italics to clarify your point and make your message obvious. 

Although keeping your audience engaged for longer than 15 seconds seems challenging, following these tips will make it much easier for readers to digest your material. 

16. Get Creative With Your Images

You've heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." 

black pug

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

In tip 10, we explained how effective images can be for your content. It's important to find the right visuals to match your information. The images you use with your blog content do matter. Most social platforms pull in those images with the URL people ideally share.

Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder/Chief Marketing Officer of Orbit Media, says it best...

"A blog post without an image is like a postcard without a stamp."

Have some fun with them...

Tips to Get Creative With Your Images :

  • Tip 1: Add humor to your images. Try using humorous images like internet memes to grab attention and motivate your consumers to share your post.
  • Tip 2: Create custom images specifically to use on social media platforms. Many apps are available to help you make unique, high-quality images for your blog post. 
  • Tip 3: Add an image to convey an emotion. The right image can evoke an emotional reaction that might resonate with viewers. 

17. Stop Trying to Sound Smart

You don't want to come off pretentious.

What's more important: sounding smart or being smart?

Marcus Sheridan, aka "The Sales Lion" explains, Why the Goal of Blogging and Marketing is NOT to Sound  Intelligent.

Remember, you're writing marketing content, not a dissertation. Your main goal should be to entertain and raise awareness of your company or product, not to confuse your readers.

The most crucial part is that your reader “knows what the heck you’re talking about.” For most companies, that means writing simply and removing “five-dollar words.”

Syed Balkhi, co-founder of WPBeginner and OptinMonster, said it best, 

"One of the biggest mistakes most businesses make when crafting content for B2B marketing strategies is attempting to be overly professional in their content. Another mistake: using technical writing styles in blog posts and filling them up with unnecessarily complicated vocabulary, hoping to come across as "professional" to their audience."

5 Best Practices for Building an Effective B2B Content Marketing Strategy

Do your research and put it into your own words. Don't overcomplicate to the point where your readers need a dictionary to figure out what you're saying.

Tips to Creative Writing:

  • Tip 1: Write for your audience to understand.
  • Tip 2: Your message should be clear and simple.
  • Tip 3: One main goal—action through understanding.

18. Have a Clear End Result in Mind

Don't write to just hit the publish button. It's a BIG waste of time, not to mention a complete turnoff.

Begin with the end in mind.

If you know how you want your blog to end, it will be easier to fully develop your ideas and guide your content in the right direction. Creating a strategic plan for your content will only improve the ideas that you generate.

Think of it as a conclusion. You need to connect your ideas and leave a lasting impression. 

Tips to Help You Get to Your End Result :

  • Tip 1: Research your topic. Back it up with stats and organize them correctly so all the pieces fall into place, making it easier to create your end result. 
  • Tip 2: Your post should have an end goal. What do you want your readers to get out of it, and what is their next step?  
  • Tip 3: Write for the human on the other side of the screen. Put yourself in their shoes. This will help you fully develop your ideas and make your content more appealing.

19. Boost the Value of Your Content - Use "Benefit-Driven" Headlines

Your readers want to know the WIIFM Factor, WIIFM = “What’s in it for me?” 

WIIFM is the stuff that shows how or why what you have to sell or say matters to those who you are trying to sell or say it too. 

The value proposition makes them realize that what you’re offering is worth their money or time. 

Including a benefit in your subheadings'll boost your content's "perceived" value. 

Tips to Create Benefit-Driven Headlines:

  • Tip 1: Make a promise and make it specific. You don't want to give your viewers false hope with misleading headlines.
  • Tip 2: Use power words when describing your benefit. Incorporating these action-packed words can instantly make your blog seem more intriguing. 
  • Tip 3: Check the emotional value of your headline. Our go-to Headline Analyzer gives you a percentage score of the emotional value. (the higher, the better). Have fun with it.

The WIIFM should stick out like a sore thumb in your headline. You need to give your potential viewers a reason to keep reading.

Draw potential customers in with a promising headline, then wow them with your outstanding content.

20. Use "Bucket Brigades" to Segue Your Readers

Thanks to Brian Dean at Backlinko, I learned this powerful SEO Copywriting Secret.

What the heck is a Bucket Brigade?

An actual bucket brigade is a human chain method for transporting items passed from one stationary person to the next.

Similarly, a bucket brigade used in content marketing is an old-school copywriting tactic initially designed to keep people reading sales letters.

It helps transition readers from idea to idea, keeping them engaged and breaking up content to keep the flow or "chain" of thoughts moving. 

Here are a few tried-and-true bucket brigade classics Brian shares on his post:

  • Here’s the deal:
  • Now:
  • What’s the bottom line?
  • You might be wondering:
  • This is crazy:
  • It gets better/worse:
  • But here’s the kicker:
  • Want to know the best part?

Bottom line...

Add a bucket brigade whenever you have a section where someone may get bored and leave. (It will also keep them on your site longer!)

Tips to Keep Your Readers Engaged With Adding a "Bucket Brigade":

  • Tip 1: Use a bucket brigade in your content's beginning, middle, and end. Sprinkle any place you see fit.
  • Tip 2: Be witty. Think of it as a form of comic relief that strengthens your content.
  • Tip 3: Keep your visitors from getting bored. Make your blog conversational, like a narrator providing commentary as they read it. 

21. Cut Out the Sales Message

97% of the respondents in DemandGen’s study agreed that marketers should “curb the sales messages" to improve their content, ultimately driving home the message that content should be about the buyer, not the company.

One of Hubspot's key takeaways from their State of Inbound:

"For long-term growth and development,  sales and marketing must work together."

Tips to Plan the Perfect Inbound Strategy and Curb the Sales Message:

  • Tip 1: Smarketing - Align your sales and marketing teams. Get them on the same page with the same goals. 
  • Tip 2: Communication between teams will boost your ROI and improve how you speak to your buyers.
  • Tip 3: Educate your buyer.

Back to You...

Start refining your blog post writing.

Using these 21 "secrets," you'll look at content creation differently.

Which tip do you find most helpful?

Are you going to use benefit-driven headlines or bucket brigades?

Let us know in the comments below!

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